Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Who's playing? Oh no not them!

Billy (guitar&vocals), Dan (bass guitar) and Chris (drums) have managed to come up with what might be the best band name in history. In their words, OHNONOTTHEM are "South Yorkshire's premier post-angular technical grindpop trio" while ironically, none of them are from South Yorkshire. However, their brand of infectious, upbeat punk rock is definitely rooted in the South Yorkshire's Sheffield DIY scene.

by Roxana Soica / 14 Apr 2015 

The band have been playing in their present formula for about two years and they took on a studio at CADS about a year ago, when playing in their basement was no longer an option. They've performed in their CADS home at The Cucumber Lounge, a night of art and music by Sheffield Art Forge, as well as in other venues around Sheffield, like The Bell Jar and South Sea.

Originally, OHNONOTTHEM took on the studio at CADS, and along came two other bands: Ditch and Juxtamahpigeon (Billy's 'floaty' folk side project). It took us a while to get used to the studio, but now we're using it more so that's really good. They're all working on various things at once - Dan is currently cooking up a surf-y concoction with Ditch members Josh and Dave. We already have half a set and should have a full one around June, when we want to record it. Juxtamahpigeon will probably be recording something as well, since they've been gigging a lot lately.

As none of them are genuine northerners, I thought I'd ask what they appreciate about the music around here. It's really good to be part of the Sheffield art scene, especially when you have these spaces like The Audacious Art Experiment, The LugholeTyeDie Tapes - and they're all pretty unofficial. We also share the studio with a number of different bands and we have various side-projects. We've recently recorded an EP with Ben Hunter at The Audacious and we're pretty excited to start gigging soon.

To buy and listen to GIZAGIG, head down to their Bancamp site. You'll find them under the tags "post-angular" and "technical grindpop". Well, not really. They explain:

We asked somebody to describe our music and they came up with this ridiculously long description. They were like "oh, it's post-hardcore technical punk" and we kinda just varied that and went along with it as a joke (laughs). We might have to get rid of it because people keep taking it seriously... but yeah, it is funny. It's just a punk rock band, really.

If you want to enjoy OHNONOTTHEM's refreshingly chaotic sets LIVE, they're playing this week!

The Green Room  on Wednesday 15th April - get your tickets straight from the band via their Facebook Page
The Rocking Chair's first anniversary party on Friday 17th April 


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